and made Thanka painting

Golden Buddha

From: $78.00

In this thangka, painted in gold on a black background, Buddha is depicted sitting cross legged on a lotus throne performing the earth touching mudra. The throne is supported by two snow lions and on the sides are the two most important disciples of Buddha Maudgalyayana and Sariputra.

This scene is a representation of the most important event of the life of Siddhartha Gautama, his enlightenment, when Siddhartha became known as the Buddha, the “Awakened One”.
This episode follows his fight with the demon Mara, during which Siddhartha touches the ground and calls on the earth as witness to his superiority before entering in a deep state of meditation. By defeating the demon Mara and the three main causes of suffering – desire, hatred, and ignorance – Buddha has achieved liberation (nirvana) from the endless cycle of rebirth (samsara).
The presence of the two main disciples on the sides of the throne symbolizes the decision of the Buddha to share with the world the Dharma (doctrine) and the formation of the Sangha (community).


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