Padmasambhava Lotus Pose
Guru Rinpoche Thanka

Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

From: $78.00

Padmasambhava is considered a manifestation of Buddha Amitabha and also known as Guru Rinpoche.
He was a tantric Buddhist master born in India and he played a fundamental role in bringing Vajrayana Buddhism to Tibet in the eighth century.
Padmasambhava is also the founder of the Nyingma school, the oldest of the four major traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

The legend says that he secretly taught Tantra to Mandarava, the princess of Rewalsar kingdom. When the king found out he tried to burn him alive, but Padmasambhava just sat in meditation and didn't burn. Astonished by the miracle the king offered him both princess Mandarava and his kingdom.
Padmasambhava left with Mandarava and went to Nepal to practice secret tantric rituals. During this time they had a vision of Buddha Amitayus and achieved a special spiritual manifestation called “rainbow body”.
Both Mandarava and Padmasambhava's other main consort, Yeshe Tsogyal reached Buddhahood, in fact Guru Rinpoche is often portrayed between Mandarava, on his right, and Yeshe Tsogyal on his left.

In this thangka painting Guru Rinpoche is depicted in his more traditional representation seated in royal posture holding a vajra in his right hand while his left hand holds a skull-cup containing a vase filled with the nectar of longevity and wisdom.

The five main consorts of Padmasambhava are considered emanations of Vajrayogini and considered not ordinary women but Dakini.
There are also eight different manifestations of Padmasambhava himself, both in wrathful and peaceful forms, representing different aspect of his being.


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