Sun Mask
From: $45.00
This lovely mask carved by master Lama is dedicated to Surya, the God of the sun. Surya belongs to all Indian religious traditions but he is also a very important deity for the Newar Buddhist community in Nepal. In fact images of Surya, especially sculptures, can be seen in many temples of the Kathmandu valley.
Also the eyes of the sun mask are similar to the wisdom eyes that are depicted in many stupas all around the Himalayas.
The God Surya is not common in Tibetan Buddhist art but can be found in mandalas of Charya and Yoga Tantra or under the feet of Vajrabhairava and other meditational deities connected with the Anuttara Yoga tantra.
This mask is not only a beautiful wall decoration but can be useful to perform Surya Namascar (sun salutations) in the morning during cloudy or rainy days. In fact this sun mask is very appreciated in particular by yoga practitioners.
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